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From: stinkerstock <no_reply /at\ yahoogroups.com> To: equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com <equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com> Date: Saturday, March 25, 2006, 8:12:40 PM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Jose - having trouble with Williams Osc Dear Jose: A while back you provided me with a formula to convert the Williams A/D study into an oscillator. It went like this: pds:=Input("Normalizing lookback periods (1= historical Hi/Lo)",1,2600,150); { Plot 1: Price section } PriceX:=C; { Choose x pds or historical Price High/Low } Hi:=If(pds>1,HHV(PriceX,pds),Highest(PriceX)); Lo:=If(pds>1,LLV(PriceX,pds),Lowest(PriceX)); { Price normalized to 0~100% } PriceNorm:=(PriceX-Lo)/Max(Hi-Lo,.000001)*100; { Plot 2: Indicator/Oscillator section } IndX:=WillA(); { Choose x pds or historical Indicator High/Low} Hi:=If(pds>1,HHV(IndX,pds),Highest(IndX)); Lo:=If(pds>1,LLV(IndX,pds),Lowest(IndX)); { Indicator normalized to 0~100% } IndicatorNorm:=(IndX-Lo)/Max(Hi-Lo,.000001)*100; { Plot in own window } {PriceNorm;IndicatorNorm} (IndicatorNorm-PriceNorm)/25 This works perfectly on daily data but, for some reason, when I use the formula in explorer to sift through intrday data I always get an overflow error message. I've tried to modify it but nothing seems to work. Any chance you could help again? Thanks in advance, Jim =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: Jose Silva <josesilva22 /at\ yahoo.com> To: equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com <equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com> Date: Sunday, March 26, 2006, 3:57:42 AM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Jose - having trouble with Williams Osc I've plotted the indicator below on a Euro/USD 1-min chart, but can't see any problems. |
William's A/D Oscillator pds:=Input("Normalizing lookback pds (1= historical Hi/Lo)",1,2600,150); { Plot 1: Price section } PriceX:=C; { Plot 2: Indicator/Oscillator section } IndX:=WillA(); { Choose x pds or historical Price High/Low } Hi:=If(pds>1,HHV(PriceX,pds),Highest(PriceX)); Lo:=If(pds>1,LLV(PriceX,pds),Lowest(PriceX)); { Price normalized to 0~100% } PriceNorm:=(PriceX-Lo)/Max(Hi-Lo,.000001)*100; { Choose x pds or historical Indicator High/Low} Hi:=If(pds>1,HHV(IndX,pds),Highest(IndX)); Lo:=If(pds>1,LLV(IndX,pds),Lowest(IndX)); { Indicator normalized to 0~100% } IndicatorNorm:=(IndX-Lo)/Max(Hi-Lo,.000001)*100; { Plot in own window } {PriceNorm;IndicatorNorm} (IndicatorNorm-PriceNorm)/25 |
jose '-) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: Roy Larsen <rlarsen /at\ man.quik.co.nz> To: equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com <equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com> Date: Sunday, March 26, 2006, 4:06:08 AM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Jose - having trouble with Williams Osc I plotted it on a 1 minute chart and couldn't produce an error either. Roy www.metastocktips.co.nz =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: stinkerstock <no_reply /at\ yahoogroups.com> To: equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com <equismetastock /at\ yahoogroups.com> Date: Sunday, March 26, 2006, 5:47:33 PM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Jose - having trouble with Williams Osc Dear Jose and Roy: Thanks for responding guys. I think I did a bad job explaining the problem. The problem is not the daily or intraday plots....the oscillator plots well in daily AND intraday format. The problem is when I use it in the explorer to search for setups. It routinely rejects all of my intraday searches and gives the folling reasons: Security Name Reason for Rejection Location DJ06M*60 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES DVY*60 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES ES06M*10 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES ES06M*30 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES ES06M*60 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES GLD*60 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES NDX.X*10 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES NDX.X*60 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES SPY*10 Error in column A: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C:\MSdata\MsdataFES * * * * * * I suspect it may have something to do with the amount of intraday data I have and the parameters of the formula. I get my intraday data from quote.com and I think I only get about 200 bars of data per issue. I tried modifying the "pds" variable, but I can't seem to get any results. Thanks again for any assistance. Jim | |
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