- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
- Mesajlar
- 1,826
I found a problem with the %Bands formulas posted yesterday. No matter what optional parameters are entered for EMA lengthor % bandwidth, the Expert appears to read only the default values. As aresult, when using other than default parameters, the coloured dots appearin inappropriate places. If the coloured dots are considered unnecessary the Expert can simply be detached. Alternatively, below is a hard-coded version. There is no screen to enter optional parameters. Instead, plot the %Bands formula, then right-click on one of the bands, select '%Bands Properties', then the 'Formula' tab, and change the parameters in the first two lines of the %Bands formula; click 'OK'. Or make the change in the Formula Editor. The values need to be entered only once, in the %Bands formula; the %BandsCount formula and the Expert will take their values from that. For regular use, get the display to yourliking, then create a template. |
%Bands Pds:= 21; {ENTER EMA LENGTH} Pct:= 2.5; {ENTER PERCENT BANDWIDTH} MA:= Mov(C,Pds,E); TBnd:= MA*(1+Pct/100); LBnd:= MA*(1-Pct/100); MA; TBnd; LBnd; |
%BandsCount {USE WITH %BANDS FORMULA} TBnd:= FmlVar("%Bands","TBND"); IUp:= (H > TBnd) * Ref((H <= TBnd),-1); CntUp:= IUp + BarsSince(IUp=1) * (H > TBnd); LBnd:= FmlVar("%Bands","LBND"); IDn:= (L < LBnd) * Ref((L >= LBnd),-1); CntDn:= IDn + BarsSince(IDn=1) * (L < LBnd); CntUp; -CntDn; |
I found a problem with the %Bands formulas posted yesterday. No matter what optional parameters are entered for EMA length or % bandwidth, the Expert appears to read only the default values. As a result, when using other than default parameters, the coloured dots appear in inappropriate places. If the coloured dots are considered unnecessary the Expert can simply be detached. Alternatively, below is a hard-coded version. There is no screen to enter optional parameters. Instead, plot the %Bands formula,then right-click on one of the bands, select '%Bands Properties', then the 'Formula' tab, and change the parameters in the first two lines of the %Bands formula; click 'OK'. Or make the change in the Formula Editor. The values need to be entered only once, in the %Bands formula; the %BandsCount formula and the Expert will take their values from that. For regular use, get the display to your liking, then create a template. {NAME: %Bands} Pds:= 21; {ENTER EMA LENGTH} Pct:= 2.5; {ENTER PERCENT BANDWIDTH} MA:= Mov(C,Pds,E); TBnd:= MA*(1+Pct/100); LBnd:= MA*(1-Pct/100); MA; TBnd; LBnd; {NAME: %BandsCount} {USE WITH %BANDS FORMULA} TBnd:= FmlVar("%Bands","TBND"); IUp:= (H > TBnd) * Ref((H <= TBnd),-1); CntUp:= IUp + BarsSince(IUp=1) * (H > TBnd); LBnd:= FmlVar("%Bands","LBND"); IDn:= (L < LBnd) * Ref((L >= LBnd),-1); CntDn:= IDn + BarsSince(IDn=1) * (L < LBnd); CntUp; -CntDn; | |
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