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DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.

Yayından kaldırmak istediğiniz formüller için algoritmabul@gmail.com ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz...

  • DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler sadece eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.


  1. algoritma

    Matriks Matriks Oto Trend Çizimi formülü otamatik trend

    algoritma Kullanıcımız yeni bir kaynak oluşturdu: Matriks Oto Trend Çizimi formülü otamatik trend - Oto trend çizim Kullanım Tekniği Bu kaynak hakkında daha fazla bilgi ...
  2. algoritma

    Matriks Matriks Oto Trend Çizimi formülü otamatik trend

    Başlarken Bir veri seti (data) işleme alındığında bunu yazılım yardımıyla bilgisayar programları grafik olarak işleyebilir. Bu bizim bildiğimiz anlamda (ohlc) dir. open ➡️ Açılış h:high ➡️ Yüksek l:low➡️ Düşük c:close➡️ Kapanış bu verilere ek olarak volume:➡️Hacim ve son olarak ➡️zaman dır. Bu...
  3. algoritma

    Uzman Danışman Trend Trigger Factor Expert by M.H. Pee

    M.H. Pee's article in this issue, "Trend Trigger Factor" introduces an indicator of the same name. Here, we present the formula for this expert advisor and the steps to include it in MetaStock. Trend Trigger Factor Expert 1. In the Tools menu, select the Expert Advisor 2. Click New to open...
  4. algoritma

    Al Sat Sistemi Trend Trigger Factor System by M.H. Pee

    Since Pee's article also included the signals to trade this indicator, it is possible to construct a system test and an expert advisor for it. These formulas and the procedure for creating them follow. Trend Trigger Factor System Buy order: x:=15; bp:=HHV(H,x)-Ref(LLV(L,x),-x)...
  5. algoritma

    Oscillator Trend Continuation Factor by M. H. Pee

    In "Trend Continuation Factor" in this issue, M.H. Pee introduces several new indicators to help identify trend and its direction. These indicators can be easily recreated in MetaStock 6.52 or higher. In MetaStock, select Indicator Builder from the Tools menu, click New, enter the code for the...
  6. algoritma

    Oscillator Trend Direction & Force Index (TDF Index) by Piotr Wojdy這

    Trend Direction & Force Index (TDF Index) {TDF Index by Piotr Wojdy這} {Wska幡ik kierunku i si造 trendu} per1:=Input("Major MA",1,200,17); MMA:=Mov(C,per1,E); SMMA:=Mov(MMA,per1,E); IMPETMMA:=MMA - Ref(MMA,-1); IMPETSMMA:=SMMA - Ref(SMMA,-1); DIVMA:= Abs(MMA - SMMA); AVERIMPET:=...
  7. algoritma

    İndikatör Schaff Trend Cycle Indicator by Jose Silva

    ????????: Kalon , ?? , 05 ???? 2004 ? 20:22 MSK Hello, Below is the Schaff trend Cycles Indicator for Metastok. Can someone tranfer it for Omega format (els or ela). There is a text file in tradestationworld.com forum but seems like it does not displays well on Omega 2000i. Thanks...
  8. algoritma

    Oscillator Schaff Trend Cycle Oscillator by Jose Silva

    ????????: Kalon , ?? , 05 ???? 2004 ? 20:22 MSK Hello, Below is the Schaff trend Cycles Indicator for Metastok. Can someone tranfer it for Omega format (els or ela). There is a text file in tradestationworld.com forum but seems like it does not displays well on Omega 2000i. Thanks a lot...
  9. algoritma

    Al Sat Sistemi Recursive Moving Trend Average by Dennis Meyers

    Is the name of an article in the December issue of TASC, written by Dennis Meyers. In it he describes what he calls "The Recursive Moving Trend Average". I wont go into all the article right now, but here is my translationof his math (for Metastock 6.5) : Recursive Moving Trend Average...
  10. algoritma

    Hareketli Ortalama Recursive Moving Trend Average & TOSC Oscillator

    Is the name of an article in the December issue of TASC, written by DennisMeyers. In it he describes what he calls "The Recursive Moving Trend Average". I wont go into all the article right now, but here is my translationof his math (for Metastock 6.5) : Recursive Moving Trend Average...
  11. algoritma

    Oscillator Price Volume Trend Normalized

    Re: PVT Normalized * To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx * Subject: Re: PVT Normalized * From: "Dan Harels" <harelsdb@xxxxxxxxxxx> * Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2001 05:47:54 +0000 * Reply-To: metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx * Sender: owner-metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx From: Mikey <mtg1021@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Reply-To...
  12. algoritma

    Oscillator Price Volume Trend Stochastic

    Price Volume Trend Stochastic {Fast line} ;Mov((PVT()-LLV(PVT(),19)) / (HHV(PVT(),19)-LLV(PVT(),19)), 5, S) {Slow Line} ;Mov(Mov((PVT()-LLV(PVT(),19)) / (HHV(PVT(),19)-LLV(PVT(),19)), 5, S),3,S) Source / From: http://www.paritech.com
  13. algoritma

    Uzman Danışman Dunnigan Trend

    Market swing is defined as: Up = higher highsand higher lows, Down = lowerhighs and lower lows. Dunn-Type1 TD1:=If(BarsSince(H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1)) < BarsSince(L<Ref(L,-1) AND H<Ref(H,-1)), {then}1, {else}-1); TD1 Market swing is defined as: Up = 2 higher highs...
  14. algoritma

    Al Sat Sistemi Combining Trend and Oscillator Signals System by Jeremy G. Konstenius

    The information for this test was published in theDecember1996 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. The testappearsin the article "Combining Trend and Oscillator Signals" by Jeremy G. Konstenius. Mr. Konstenius describes a trading system that combines Linear Regressionand...