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DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.

Yayından kaldırmak istediğiniz formüller için algoritmabul@gmail.com ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz...

  • DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler sadece eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.
  • “Hiç zengin olan bir teknik analist görmedim” diyenlere hep gülmüşümdür. Bu kadar saçma ve küstahça bir şey daha duymadım. Dokuz yıl boyunca temel analiz kullandıktan sonra, teknik analizci olarak zengin oldum. “ (Marty Schwartz)


Bir ticaret sistemi, finansal piyasalarda alım satımla ilgili belirli kurallara sahip belirli ayarlara dayanır. Bir dizi işlemin istatistiksel bir analizini alır ve ondan kar sağlayan geçmiş performansları içerir. Bu stratejiyi bir ticaret sistemi olarak adlandırmadan önce, başarısını ve bir süre başarılı kalma yeteneğini garanti altına almak için bir dizi teste tabi tutulur. Bir ticaret stratejisi asla sabit bir karı garanti etmez. Kısa sürede kar etmek için "al" ve "sat" sinyalleri sağlayacak belirli algoritmalardan veya ayarlamalardan oluşur. Pazar her zaman değiştiği ve algoritmalarda veya ticaret sisteminde yapılan yeni ayarlamaların da değişmesi gerektiğinden, asla sabit bir kar oranını garanti etmez. Alım satım sistemleri genellikle zaman içinde görülür, hisse senetleri ve forex piyasaları sürekli alım veya satım sinyalleri verir.


eiπ + 1 = 0
23 Eki 2020
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: zaterdag 5 september 1998 4:44
Subject: Re: DeMark Sequential
Al Taglavore wrote:
I went long 200 HDI today. As I look at the EOD chart I have printed, it appears to be a textbook example of DeMark's 9 day set up withintersection having occurred yesterday (9th day). I bought because HDIhad a successful retest of the low of two days ago. Would appreciate any Sequentialfollowers to look at the chart and post a comment.
Al Taglavore
Thanks! I'm glad you brought this up, because I didn't get a signal. That caused me to re-examine the formula that I'm using and re-read the rules for a set up. What I found is that there was indeed a valid set up on 9/3. So why'd I get left behind? Here's why: DeMark says that theday prior to day one of a buy set up must have a close >= the close 4 days earlier. I didn't have the "=" in this formula, which caused it not to fire, because the close of 8/21 and 8/17 are in fact equal. Fortunately that condition doesn't happen very often. ( I keep telling myself that. :) ) BUT, who knows, maybe it caused me to miss the "big one" (way backwhen) and Maybe I could'a retired already by now. <g> The successfulretest of the previous low can't be a badthing. If you're still in, I hope it works out. If you ARE stillin, it must seem to you like time is standing still, based on your usual2 hour +\- trades. <G>
Have a great weekend,
At 10:43 PM 6/16/98 , CLAUDB wrote:
I can't use Mime files. Any chance you can send it in another format?
Yep, in fact I prefer to send it in plain old text, even though it's a little more work. That MS data file _alone_ that I sent was a pig (about 20 - 30k). I think the chart was only about half that.
Believe me, the indicators that I sent are nothing fancy. Setup isnearly the same as what was posted earlier. I think Intersection isa little different though, but I haven't had the time to compare. ThisCountdown indicator is simply a day to day indicator that requires usingyour fingers and toes once Setup (and Intersection, if you choose to useit) is/are complete. Nothing sophisticated at all. I find it easier and quicker to let the indicators help me determine the current phase than to compare a bar's close with another prior bar's close or low/high. As faras Countdown, I've written many high-falutin type indicators (or so Ilike to think <g> ) that I thought were going to be the answer, but inthe end they all fizzled.

You could run a test or exploration for Setup, then from there manually track Intersection (if you're so inclined), then Countdown. Sometimes you get a pretty good reaction at the completion of Setup, so you may not want to include Intersection in an exploration or you could possibly miss it,although Intersection occurs more often than not by day 9. Back whenit first was published, Sequential worked well on the few markets thatI watched, but I haven't been watching it lately, although all this discussionhas got me curious again.
I think everything I'm sending are the correct formulas, but if something doesn't look right, let me know.
- Indicators-
The following BUY SETUP/SELL SETUP is one indicator in 6.5.Pre-6.5 usersneed to use it as two indicators.​

SeqSETUP w/Validation day
If((C < Ref(C,-4) AND
Ref(C,-1) < Ref(C,-5) AND
Ref(C,-2) < Ref(C,-6) AND
Ref(C,-3) < Ref(C,-7) AND
Ref(C,-4) < Ref(C,-8) AND
Ref(C,-5) < Ref(C,-9) AND
Ref(C,-6) < Ref(C,-10) AND
Ref(C,-7) < Ref(C,-11) AND
Ref(C,-8) < Ref(C,-12) AND
{Validation Day}
Ref(C,-9) > Ref(C,-13) ),1,0);
If((C > Ref(C,-4) AND
Ref(C,-1) > Ref(C,-5) AND
Ref(C,-2) > Ref(C,-6) AND
Ref(C,-3) > Ref(C,-7) AND
Ref(C,-4) > Ref(C,-8) AND
Ref(C,-5) > Ref(C,-9) AND
Ref(C,-6) > Ref(C,-10) AND
Ref(C,-7) > Ref(C,-11) AND
Ref(C,-8) > Ref(C,-12) AND
{Validation Day}
Ref(C,-9) < Ref(C,-13) ),-1,0)

{DeMark says this is now ELECTIVE in futures and index markets}
L <= Ref(HHV(H,6),-3) AND L >= Ref(LLV(L,6),-3) OR
H >= Ref(LLV(L,6),-3) AND H <= Ref(HHV(H,6),-3)
(The following is one indicator in 6.5. Pre-6.5 users need to use it as two indicators)​

SeqCdB/S (Countdown for Buys and Sells)
{plots +1 for BUYS, plots -1 for SELLS.}
If(C < Ref(L,-2),1,0) ;
If(C > Ref(H,-2),-1,0)​

SeqSETUP,V day System Test
C < Ref(C,-4) AND
Ref(C,-1) < Ref(C,-5) AND
Ref(C,-2) < Ref(C,-6) AND
Ref(C,-3) < Ref(C,-7) AND
Ref(C,-4) < Ref(C,-8) AND
Ref(C,-5) < Ref(C,-9) AND
Ref(C,-6) < Ref(C,-10) AND
Ref(C,-7) < Ref(C,-11) AND
Ref(C,-8) < Ref(C,-12) AND
{Validation Day}
Ref(C,-9) > Ref(C,-13)

C > Ref(C,-4) AND
Ref(C,-1) > Ref(C,-5) AND
Ref(C,-2) > Ref(C,-6) AND
Ref(C,-3) > Ref(C,-7) AND
Ref(C,-4) > Ref(C,-8) AND
Ref(C,-5) > Ref(C,-9) AND
Ref(C,-6) > Ref(C,-10) AND
Ref(C,-7) > Ref(C,-11) AND
Ref(C,-8) > Ref(C,-12) AND
{Validation Day}
Ref(C,-9) < Ref(C,-13)

(...and all this time you probably thought I had come up with something fancy. :) )
*System Test* (If you don't want validation day, don't use it.)

(Plug it in yourself !)
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