- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
- Mesajlar
- 1,826
A simple exploration filter formula for finding a bullish divergence between the RSI and the price is shown below. To find a bearish divergence, replace > with <. The differences in the trough function was found through an optimization routine and they may not be the best values for your application. | |
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RSI Bullish Divergence Ref(RSI(14),-1)>Trough(1,RSI(14),.8) AND Ref(CLOSE,-1)<Trough(1,CLOSE,.2) { bullish divergence } | |
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RSI Bearish Divergence Ref(RSI(14),-1)<Trough(1,RSI(14),.8) AND Ref(CLOSE,-1)>Trough(1,CLOSE,.2) { bearish divergence } | |
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from Dan in Pocatello, ID | |
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