- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
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- 1,826
Re: Murray Math * To: Dick Webb <dickwebb711@xxxxxxxxx>, Raj Goyal <rajgoyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Real Traders Forum <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxx> * Subject: Re: Murray Math * From: Dick Webb <dickwebb711@xxxxxxxxx> * Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 20:44:37 -0700 (PDT) * Sender: owner-realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxx --- Dick Webb <dickwebb711@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: --- Raj Goyal <rajgoyal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Hi, Any one familiar with Murray Math or Mr. Murray himself. Pros or Cons Thanks Raj People i know love it or hate it. Most hate it. One obstacle is THM's style. He is real good at making people feel like it is very obvious and they are stupid because they do not understand. His analysis always is after the fact. He says that he has only 10 rules. Ha...they are extremely general. He says his software does everything for you. Ha....Say you want to look at Gold. If three people load in the same gold data but each loads something in before it like beans, bonds and silver the MMath charts they see will be different. The oversold values and overbought values will be different. At his learning acadamies sometimes 0 or 1 person shows up. They are having one in Los Angles and they are so desperate to get people to come that they will let you come free if you pay the $90 to try the software. He sells a book...it is very difficult to understand. A while back on this list I gave away a book on MMath and the code for the software so you can do it yourself. Good Luck Dick Here is the metastock code as requested. If someone wants it turned into trade station code contact mike at support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx he does good coding at low prices Dick |
Murray Math SqW:=Input("Square Width (Days)",4,256,64); MM:=Input("Start Date Month",1,12,10); DD:=Input("Start Date Day ",1,31, 5); YY:=Input("Start Date Year ",1700,2100,1998); T0:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,DayOfMonth()=DD AND Month()=MM AND Year()=YY,Cum(1))); Sqrs:=Int((LastValue(Cum(1))-T0)/SqW)-1; S0:=T0+(Sqrs*SqW); Lo:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)=S0+SqW-1, LLV(Min(H,L),SqW))); Hi:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)=S0+SqW-1, HHV(Max(H,L),SqW))); Sf:= If(Hi>25,If(Log(0.4*Hi)/Log(10)- Int(Log(0.4*Hi)/Log(10))>0, Exp(Log(10)*(Int(Log(0.4*Hi)/Log(10))+1)), Exp(Log(10)*(Int(Log(0.4*Hi)/Log(10))))), 100*Exp(Log(8)*(Int(Log(0.005*Hi)/Log(8))))); N:= If(Log(Sf/(Hi-Lo))/Log(8)<=0,0, If(Frac(Log(Sf/(Hi-Lo))/Log(8))=0, Int(Log(Sf/(Hi-Lo))/Log(8)), Int(Log(Sf/(Hi-Lo))/Log(8))+1)); Si:=Sf*Exp(-N*Log(8)); M:=Int(((1/Log(2))*Log((Hi-Lo)/Si))+.00001); I:=Round(((Hi+Lo)*.5)/(Si*Exp((M-1)*Log(2)))); B:=(I-1)*Si*Exp((M-1)*Log(2)); TT:=(I+1)*Si*Exp((M-1)*Log(2)); Er:=If(Hi-TT>0.25*(TT-B) OR B-Lo>0.25*(TT-B),1,0); MM:=If(Er=0,M,If(Er=1 AND M<2,M+1,0)); NN:=If(Er=0,N,If(Er=1 AND M<2,N,N-1)); Si:=Sf*Exp(-NN*Log(8)); I:=Round(((Hi+Lo)*.5)/ (Si*Exp((MM-1)*Log(2)))); B:=ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, (I-1)*Si*Exp((MM-1)*Log(2))); TT:=ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, (I+1)*Si*Exp((MM-1)*Log(2))); B; {L1:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(0.125*(TT-B))); {L2:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(2.0*(0.125*(TT-B)))); {L3:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(3.0*(0.125*(TT-B)))); {L4:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(4.0*(0.125*(TT-B)))); {L5:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(5.0*(0.125*(TT-B)))); {L6:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(6.0*(0.125*(TT-B)))); {L7:=}ValueWhen(1,Cum(1)>=S0, B+(7.0*(0.125*(TT-B)))); TT; |
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