- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
- Mesajlar
- 1,826
The interpretation for the following formulas camefrom the article "The Insync Index", by Norm North, in Technical Analysis of Stocks& Commodities Jan 1995. All of these formulas are necessary for the last one, Insync Index torun properly. BOLInS2 ( C - Fml( "BOLInSLB" ) ) / ( Fml( "BOLInSUB" ) - Fml( "BOLInSLB" )) BOLInSLB Mov( C ,20 ,S ) - 2 * ( Std( C ,20 ) ) BOLInSLL If( Fml( "BOLInS2" ) ,< , .05 ,-5 ,If( Fml( "BOLInS2" ) ,> ,.95,5 ,0 ) ) BOLInSUB Mov( C ,20 ,S ) + 2 * ( Std( C ,20 ) ) CCIInS If( CCI(14 ) ,> ,100 ,5 ,If ( CCI(14 ) ,< ,-100 ,-5 ,0 ) ) EMVInS2 EMV(10 ,S ) - Mov( EMV(10 ,S) ,10 ,S ) EMVInSB If( Fml( "EMVInS2" ) ,< ,0 ,If( Mov( EMV(10 ,S ) ,10 ,S ) ,<,0 ,-5,0 ) ,0 ) EMVInSS If( Fml( "EMVInS2" ) ,> ,0 ,If( Mov( EMV(10 ,S ) ,10 ,S ) ,> ,0 ,5,0 ) ,0 ) MACDInS2 MACD( ) - Mov( MACD( ) ,10 ,S ) MACDinSB If( Fml( "MACDInS2" ) ,< ,0 ,If( Mov( MACD( ) ,10 ,S ) ,< ,0,-5 ,0) ,0 ) MACDInSS If( Fml( "MACDInS2" ) ,> ,0 ,If( Mov( MACD( ) ,10 ,S) ,> ,0 ,5 ,0 ) ,0 ) MFIInS If( MFI( 20 ) ,> ,80 ,5 , If( MFI( 20 ) ,< ,20 ,-5 ,0 ) ) PDOInS2 DPO( 18 ) - Mov( DPO( 18 ) ,10 ,S ) PDOInSB If( Fml( "PDOInS2" ) ,< ,0 ,If( Mov( DPO( 18 ) ,10 , S) ,< ,0,-5 ,0 ) ,0 ) PDOInSS If( Fml( "PDOInS2" ) ,> ,0 ,If( Mov( DPO ( 18 ) ,10 ,S) ,> ,0 ,5 ,0 ) ,0 ) ROCInS2 ROC( C ,10 ,$ ) - Mov( ROC( C ,10 ,$ ) ,10 ,S ) ROCInSB If( Fml( "ROCInS2" ) ,< ,0 ,If( Mov( ROC( C ,10 ,$ ) ,10 ,S ) ,<,0,-5 ,0 ) ,0 ) ROCInSS Index If( Fml( "ROCInS2" ) ,> ,0 ,If( Mov( ROC( C ,10 ,$ ) ,10 ,S ) ,> ,0 ,5 ,0 ) ,0 ) RSIInS If( RSI(14 ) ,> ,70 ,5 ,If( RSI(14 ), < ,30 ,-5 ,0 ) ) STO%dInS If( Stoch(14 ,3 ) ,> ,80 ,5 ,If( Stoch(14 ,3 ) ,< ,20 ,-5 ,0 ) ) STO%kInS If( Stoch(14 ,1) ,> ,80 ,5 ,If( Stoch(14 ,1 ) ,< ,20 ,-5 ,0 ) ) InSync Index 50 + Fml( "CCIInS" ) + Fml( "BOLInSLL" ) + Fml( "RSIInS" ) + Fml( "STO%kInS " ) + Fml( "STO%dInS" ) + Fml( "MFIInS" ) + Fml("EMVInSB" ) + Fml( "EMVInSS") + Fml( "ROCInSS" ) + Fml( "ROCInSB" ) + Ref (Fml( "PDOInSS" ) ,-10 )+ Ref (Fml( "PDOInSB" ),-10 ) + Fml( "MACDInS S" ) + Fml( "MACDInSB" ) These formulas were provided by Barry Millman. All questions should be addressed to him at 73374.1364@Compuserve.com. Mr. Millman wrote these formulas using many Custom Formula slots forclarity and ease of understanding. Please note that the final formula `InSync Index' requires all of theprevious formulas to be correct. To co jest zaprezentowane powyżej robi niezły bałagan w liście wskaźników. Poniżej ta sama formuła w jednym kawałku. |
InSync Index - One Formula 50 + (If(CCI(14), > , 100, 5, If(CCI(14),<,-100, -5, 0))) + (If((C-( Mov(C,20,S) - 2 * (Std(C ,20)))) / (Mov(C,20,S) + 2 * (Std(C ,20))) - (Mov(C,20,S) - 2 * (Std(C, 20))), < ,.05, -5, If((C-( Mov(C,20,S) - 2 * (Std(C ,20)))) / (Mov(C,20,S) + 2 * (Std(C ,20))) - (Mov(C,20,S)- 2 * (Std(C ,20))), > , .95, 5, 0))) + (If(RSI(14), > ,80,5,If(RSI(14), < ,20,-5,0))) + (If(Stoch(14,1), > ,80,5,If(Stoch(14,1), <,20,-5,0)) ) + (If(Stoch(14,3), > ,80, 5, If(Stoch(14,3), < , 20, -5,0)) ) + (If(MFI(20), > ,80,5,If(MFI(20), < ,20,-5,0))) + (If(EMV(10,S) - Mov(EMV(10,S),10,S), < ,0, If(Mov(EMV(10,S),10,S), < , 0, -5, 0),0)) + (If(EMV(10,S) - Mov(EMV(10,S),10,S), > ,0, If(Mov(EMV(10,S),10,S) , > ,0, 5, 0),0) ) + (If(ROC(C , 10, $) - Mov(ROC(C,10,$), 10,S), > , 0, If(Mov(ROC(C,10,$), 10,S),> ,0,5,0),0)) + (If(ROC(C , 10, $) - Mov(ROC(C,10,$), 10,S) ,< , 0, If(Mov(ROC(C,10,$),10,S),< ,0,-5,0),0) ) + (Ref((If(DPO(18) - Mov(DPO(18), 10, S), > , 0, If(Mov(DPO(18),10,S), > , 0, 5, 0), 0)),-10) ) + (Ref((If(DPO(18) - Mov(DPO(18), 10, S),< , 0, If(Mov(DPO(18),10,S), < , 0, -5, 0), 0)),-10) ) + (If(MACD() - Mov(MACD(), 10, S), > , 0, If(Mov(MACD(),10, S), > , 0, 5, 0), 0)) + (If(MACD() - Mov(MACD(), 10, S), < ,0, If(Mov(MACD(),10,S), < , 0, -5, 0), 0)) |
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