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rev. 01/06/97 The following custom formula will return the slope of a 14 day linear regression line.
Slope of a 14 Day Linear Regression Line
((Sum(Cum(1) * ((14*Sum(Cum(1) * C,14) - Sum(Cum(1),14) * Sum(C,14)) /
(14 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),14) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),14),2)) *
Cum(1) +...
Here's a system that works. Its no Holy Grail but with a little common sense you'd be hard pressed losing money with it. Steve posted it a while back (his "lumber.gif") so I can hardly take credit for the idea, but I think the system is so profitable that I felt I really ought to champion it a...
The basic "programming" in MetaStock of the LRS-ROC indicator is like this: NIO is the _basic_ number of points taken to calculate the ROCs. The four ROCs _per day_ used for interpolation are:
Linear Regression Trendline with Standard Deviation/Error Channels/Bands, date-adjustable.
Linear Regression Trendline & Channels
{ Linear Regression Trendline & Channels v4.0 }
{ (c) Copyright 2004-2005 Jose Silva }
{ For personal use only }
{ http://www.metastocktools.com }
{ User Inputs...