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rev. 01/06/97 The following custom formula will return the slope of a 14 day linear regression line.
Slope of a 14 Day Linear Regression Line
((Sum(Cum(1) * ((14*Sum(Cum(1) * C,14) - Sum(Cum(1),14) * Sum(C,14)) /
(14 * Sum(Pwr(Cum(1),2),14) - Pwr(Sum(Cum(1),14),2)) *
Cum(1) +...
The formulas discussed by John Ehlers in his article in this issue, "Nonlinear Ehlers Filters," can be recreated in MetaStock 6.52 or higher. To set up these indicators, select the Indicator Builder from the Tools menu. Then click "New" and enter the formulas as listed here:
Ehlers Filters...
Plots a single linear regression line for however many periods you enter. Prevents you from having to redraw a linear regression every day since this will update automatically as new data arrives (including in real time).
Moving Linear Regression Line
Here's a system that works. Its no Holy Grail but with a little common sense you'd be hard pressed losing money with it. Steve posted it a while back (his "lumber.gif") so I can hardly take credit for the idea, but I think the system is so profitable that I felt I really ought to champion it a...
The basic "programming" in MetaStock of the LRS-ROC indicator is like this: NIO is the _basic_ number of points taken to calculate the ROCs. The four ROCs _per day_ used for interpolation are:
Linear Regression Trendline with Standard Deviation/Error Channels/Bands, date-adjustable.
Linear Regression Trendline & Channels
{ Linear Regression Trendline & Channels v4.0 }
{ (c) Copyright 2004-2005 Jose Silva }
{ For personal use only }
{ http://www.metastocktools.com }
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