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In 1997, Chick Goslin wrote a book entitled: Intelligent Futures Trading. Chick's trading style utilizes a ten-week moving average, a moving average oscillator, and a moving average of the moving average oscillator. Since the formula is only hinted at in the book, this is my best shot...
My first computer was a Model I Tandy and after I bought it, the first formula I programmed was moving average oscillators. Identify a moving average and compare it to the identical average lagged"x" amount of days. Rather simple, but certainly powerful.
Moving Average Oscillator - CCT...
The CCT Kaleidoscope is an interesting combination of three separate momentum oscillators. I've combined the MetaStock LinRegSlope indicator with the Stochastic Momentum Indicator and added the True Strength Index. As always, I have "tweaked" the formula numbers to various fibonacci numbers and...