- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
- Mesajlar
- 1,826
In his article "Trading In Tempo With TRIX," Jongseon Kim presents a trading system based on the TRIX indicator. This indicator is built into MetaStock and does not need to be defined in a custom formula. The formulas that follow create an exploration and a system test based on his conditions. To recreate this expert, in MetaStock, go to Tools and select Expert Advisor. Click "New" and enter a name ("Trix system"). Select the Symbols tab and click "New." Enter the name of the symbol. Then enter the formula. Click the Graphic tab and select the desire symbol, the color you would like it displayed in, and the text to be displayed. On this screen, you also specify the location of the symbol and the text in relation to the price bars. Here are the formulas and the selections used in the example expert: |
TRIX Name: Gold Cross tx:=TRIX(5); sig:=Mov(tx,3,E); Cross(tx,sig) Graphic: Buy Arrow Size: Medium Color: Dk Yellow Label: GC Symbol position: below price Label position: below symbol Name: Dead Cross tx:=TRIX(5); sig:=Mov(tx,3,E); Cross(sig,tx) Graphic: Sell Arrow Size: Medium Color: Dk Red Label: DC Symbol position: above price Label position: above symbol Name: Bounce tx:=TRIX(5); Cross(ROC(tx,1,$),0) Graphic: Exit Sign Size: Medium Color: Blue Label: B Symbol position: above price Label position: above symbol Name: Fall tx:=TRIX(5); Cross(0,ROC(tx,1,$)) Graphic: Exit Sign Size: Medium Color: Dk Green Label: F Symbol position: below price Label position: below symbol |
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