- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
- Mesajlar
- 1,826
Relative performance IDX SECTORAL INDONESIA for Amibroker (AFL)
Another way to see the sectoral index performance on the Indonesian stock exchange by creating your own database which can be downloaded at BEI/IDX website (Ringkasan index/historical), processed and import wizard, hopefully it will be useful…(NOTE) First time you must make watchlist and fill in parameter.
// Downloaded From https://www.WiseStockTrader.com
NamaWatchlist = ParamStr("MASUKKAN NAMA WatchList ", "List 0");
jumlahWatchlist = CategoryFind(NamaWatchlist, cat = categoryWatchlist);
Daftarticker = Name() + "," + CategoryGetSymbols(cat, jumlahWatchlist);
fontsize = Param("Label font size", 10, 4, 30, 1 );
bi = BarIndex();
fbr = Status("firstbarinrange");
Filter = Status("barinrange");
explore = Status("action") == actionExplore;
fvb = IIf(explore, LastValue(ValueWhen(fbr,bi)), Status("firstvisiblebar"));
mat = Matrix(StrCount(Daftarticker, ",")+1, 2);
jumlahrow = MxGetSize(mat, 0);
for ( i = 0; ( symbol = StrExtract(Daftarticker, i ) ) != ""; i++ ) {
fc = Foreign( symbol, "C" );
idx = Max(NullCount(fc), fvb);
if (! IsNull(fc[ idx ])) {
idxsectoral = 100 * (fc - fc[ idx ]) / fc[ idx ];
mat[i][0] = SelectedValue(idxsectoral);
mat[i][1] = i;
x = LastValue(bi) + 1;
y = LastValue(idxsectoral);
VarSet("color"+i, colorLightOrange + ((2*i)%15));
AddColumn(idxsectoral, "RS-"+symbol, 1.2, color = Varget("color"+i));
Plot(idxsectoral, "\n"+symbol, color, styleNoLabel | styleNoTitle);
PlotTextSetFont(symbol, "Arial", fontsize, x, y, GetChartBkColor(), color, -fontsize/2);
PlotGrid( 0, colorYellow );
Param_dt = FirstVisibleValue(DateTime());
_N(Title = StrFormat( "WATCHLIST(%g): %s, {{NAME}} - Tanggal di mulai: %s, Relative Idx Sectoral [%%]: {{VALUES}}",
jumlahWatchlist, NamaWatchlist, DateTimeToStr(Param_dt, 1)));
SetChartOptions(0, chartWrapTitle);
mat = MxSortRows(mat, False, 0);
for ( i = 0; i < jumlahrow; i++ ) {
val = mat[i][0]; n = mat[i][1];
if (! IsNull(val)) {
sym = StrExtract(Daftarticker, n);
color = EncodeColor(Nz(Varget("color"+n)));
Title += StrFormat("\n%s %s: %g", color,sym,val);