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DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.

Yayından kaldırmak istediğiniz formüller için algoritmabul@gmail.com ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz...

  • DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler sadece eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.
  • Mucize teknik gösterge yoktur, sadece doğru veya yanlış kullanılan göstergeler vardır.

İndikatör Relative Performance Charting by Phil Doyle

Teknik analizde fiyatın yönü veya trendin devamıyla ilgili fikir veren matematiksel modellerdir. İndikatörlerin Türkçe karşılığı göstergedir.


eiπ + 1 = 0
23 Eki 2020
Performance charts, as described in "Relative Performance Charting" by Phil Doyle elsewhere in this issue, can be recreated in MetaStock by the following means:
  1. Open the charts you wish to compare, designating one of the charts as your baseline chart.
  2. Select "Tile" from MetaStock's Window menu to make all charts visible.
  3. Plot the performance indicator into a new inner window in each of the open charts. You will want to change the color of each of the indicators so that you can differentiate between them when they are in the same chart.
  4. In a chart other than your baseline chart, select the performance indicator. From here, you will need to either copy and paste or drag and drop (whichever you prefer) the performance indicator on top of the performance indicator in the baseline chart. If prompted, select the "merge with scales on right" option. Repeat the above steps with all the other charts until your baseline chart contains all the other charts' performance indicators.
  5. For better viewing, maximize your baseline chart.

    To plot the performance of several securities using a different symbol as the base, use these steps:
  6. Create the following custom indicator:
  7. Name: Baseline performance

    Formula: P-Per()

  8. Open the charts you wish to compare, designating one of the charts as your baseline chart. For this example, let's open EBAY, MSFT, and CSCO, choosing CSCO as our baseline chart.
  9. Select "Tile" from MetaStock's Window menu to make all charts visible.
  10. Plot the performance indicator into a new inner window in each of the open charts. You will want to change the color of each of the indicators so that you can differentiate between them when they are in the same chart.
  11. Drag the performance indicator from Ebay's chart, and place it on top of the performance indicator in your baseline chart (CSCO).
  12. Plot the baseline performance indicator directly on top of EBAY's performance indicator in Csco's chart.
  13. Move the resulting plot to the chart in which you wish to compare the relative performance in. Close EBAY's chart.
  14. Repeat steps 5 through 7 for all other securities.
  15. You should be left with a single chart containing all of the baseline performance plots.
In MetaStock Professional version 7.0 and above, the procedure can be simplified by using the Security () function instead of the p variable. However, a separate custom formula needs to be created for each symbol you wish to use as the baseline chart. The formula is written after the following model:

Baseline Performance with .SPX

Per()-Security(".SPX", Per())

This formula uses the ticker symbol .SPX as the baseline. To use a different symbol, just change .SPX to the desired symbol. In addition, the formula assumes that the ticker symbol of the baseline is located in the same folder as the symbol you are plotting the formula on. If the location is different, you will need to change the formula to include the correct path. For example, if the ticker symbol .SPX were located in the folder C:\MetaStock Data\index, the formula would be written as:

Formula: Per()-Security("C:\MetaStock Data\index\.SPX", Per () )

Using the above formula, MetaStock Pro users can plot this indicator instead of the performance indicator following these directions:
  1. Create a custom indicator using the formula listed above.
  2. Open the charts you wish to compare, designating one of the charts as your baseline chart.
  3. Select "Tile" from MetaStock's Window menu to make all charts visible.
  4. Plot the custom indicator into a new inner window in each of the open charts. You will want to change the color of each of the indicators so that you can differentiate between them when they are in the same chart.
  5. In a chart other than your baseline chart, select the performance indicator. From here, you will need to either copy and paste or drag and drop (whichever you prefer), the performance indicator on top of the performance indicator in the baseline chart. If prompted, select the "merge with scales on right" option. Repeat the above steps with all of the other charts until your baseline chart contains all of the other charts' performance indicators.
  6. 6 For better viewing, maximize your baseline chart.
--Cheryl C. Abram, Equis International, Inc.

Ta formuła używa symbolu (ticker) .SPX jako linii bazowej. W przypadku innego symbolu zmień .SPX na symbol jakiego potrzebujesz. Formuła używa tego symbolu jako linii bazowej, pod warunkiem, że znajduje się on w tym samym folderze w jakim są inne porównywane przez Ciebie spółki lub indeksy.

Jeżeli ich położenie jest inne, potrzebujesz zmiany formuły by skorygować ścieżkę. Dla przykładu, jeżeli ticker .SPX znajduje się w folderze C:\MetaStock Data\index, formuła powinna być zapisana jako:

Formula: Per()-Security("C:\MetaStock Data\index\.SPX", Per () )

By stworzyć "Performance Indicator" dla tick'era znajdującego się w tym samym katalogu co pozostałe dane postępuj według poniższych wskazówek:

1. Utwórz wskaźnik korzystając z formuły umieszczonej poniżej,​

Baseline Performance with WIG

Per()-Security("WIG", Per())

2. Otwórz wykresy które chcesz porównać, przeznaczając jeden z nich na wykres bazowy,

3. Zaznacz "Title" z menu "Window" MetaStock'a by wszystkie wykresy były widoczne,

4. Nałóż wskaźnik do nowego wewnętrznego okna w każdym otwartym wykresie.
Zmień kolor wskaźnika, tak byś mógł rozróżnić je pomiędzy sobą, gdy znajdą się w tym samym oknie,

5. Na wykresie innym niż Twój wykres bazowy zaznacz „Performance Indicator”. Teraz go skopiuj i wklej w oknie wykresu bazowego (lub “drag and drop” - jak wolisz). Możesz zaznaczyć opcję “merge with scales on right". Powtórz wszystkie te kroki dla innych otwartych wykresów i ich wskaźnika “Performance Indicator”,

6. Dla wygodniejszej analizy powiększ maksymalnie wykres bazowy.

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