- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
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- 1,826
rev. 01/06/97 Taken from Stocks & Commodities, V. 12:6 (235-239): Price-Volume Rank by Anthony J. Macek "Imagine receiving a warning when the market was likely to collapse or being alerted when one of your favorite stocks was about to rally. What if these signals came fromanalysis that was simple enough to do without a computer and took only a few minutes a day to update,using just two pieces of informationfound in virtually any newspaper? Is this a dream? Maybe not. AnthonyMacek explains. The old adage about keeping things simple applies even to the investment world. Methods of analysis such as polarized fractal efficiency and priceoscillator divergences do a great job,but for those with neither the time nor the inclination to master thetechniques necessary to monitorevery blip and sputter that the market produces may be served justas well by noting only two veryimportant market variables: price and volume." For interpretation refer to the June 94 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. You need to create all of the following custom formulas in order forthe PV Rank to calculate properly. P-V Rank Fml( "PV1" ) + Fml( "PV2" ) PV1 If( C ,> ,Ref( C ,-1 ) ,If( V ,>,Ref( V ,-1) ,1 ,If( V ,< ,Ref(V ,-1 ) ,2 ,0 ) ) ,0 ) PV2 If( C ,< ,Ref( C ,-1 ) ,If( V ,<,Ref(V ,-1 ) ,3 ,If( V ,> ,Ref( V ,-1 ) ,4 ,0 ) ) ,0 ) |
Price Volume Rank - Biggie {This combines all formulas intoone formula} If( C,> ,Ref( C,-1 ) ,If( V,> ,Ref( V,-1) ,1 ,If( V,< ,Ref( V,-1 ) ,2 ,0 ) ) , If( C,< ,Ref( C,-1 ), If( V,< ,Ref( V,-1) ,3 ,If( V,> ,Ref( V,-1) ,4 ,0 ) ) ,0 )) |
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