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DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.

Yayından kaldırmak istediğiniz formüller için algoritmabul@gmail.com ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz...

  • DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler sadece eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.
  • Mucize teknik gösterge yoktur, sadece doğru veya yanlış kullanılan göstergeler vardır.

İndikatör Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price

Teknik analizde fiyatın yönü veya trendin devamıyla ilgili fikir veren matematiksel modellerdir. İndikatörlerin Türkçe karşılığı göstergedir.


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23 Eki 2020
Custom Indicators for Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price
To: metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Custom Indicators for Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price
From: Charles Kalb <chaskalb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 16:24:31 -0600
Resent-Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 15:45:57 -0700
Resent-From: metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resent-Message-ID: <"D8s4l1.0.pw7.aGhiq"@mail.equis.com>
Resent-Sender: metastock-list-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello All,
I have been using MetaStock v6.5 for about four months and this is my first post to the list. I'd like to offer a little something which might be of use to someone and hopefully get a question answered. I have developed the following custom indicator for the number of periods loaded in a displayed chart:
NumPeriods:= Sum(1, LastValue(Cum(1)));
NumPeriods {Returns a single point at the right-hand edge of chart with the number of periods loaded in the chart.}
It is interesting that I had to use three MetaStock language functions to arrive at a constant which must be embedded somewhere within MetaStock when a chart is loaded. It would be nice if Equis had provided a function which would give the number of loaded periods directly.
But I digress, my objective is to develop a custom indicator which gives the "Buy and Hold" performance of a security, something which is useful to compare with the results from System testing. Such an indicator requires the first loaded value of the closing price. I attempted, unsuccessfully, to use the above number of periods loaded in the chart to come up with an expression for the first loaded CLOSE:
NumPeriods:= Sum(1,LastValue(Cum(1)));
1stCLOSE:= REF(CLOSE, - (NumPeriods - 1));
1stCLOSE {Returns a single point with the value of the CLOSE for the first period loaded in the chart.}
This custom indicator for the first loaded CLOSE did not work because the MetaStock language will not accept a nonconstant value for the periods portion of the REF function. By manually inserting the number of loaded periods I verified that the above relation is correct but I want an indicator which automatically inserts the correct periods loaded. Once the first loaded CLOSE is available it is a trivial extention to define the "Buy and Hold" performance in an indicator.
Does anyone know how to reference the first loaded value of anything in MetaStock?

Charles Kalb

RE: Custom Indicators for Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price
To: metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Custom Indicators for Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price
From: Charles Kalb <chaskalb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 1998 23:47:58 -0600
CC: aflood@xxxxxxxx, amcnichol@xxxxxxxxx
Resent-Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 23:01:41 -0700
Resent-From: metastock-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Resent-Message-ID: <"XeifK1.0.o-4.3rRjq"@mail.equis.com>
Resent-Sender: metastock-list-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks to Allen at Equis and Aongas for responding to my question directed at formulation of a "Buy and Hold" custom indicator. Just after my post I came across a way to create this indicator using the predefined Performance indicator, but their comments were instructive and useful nonetheless. Thought I'd share the final indicator with the list. To compare the "Buy and Hold" performance with the results from a System test drop the following custom indicator into the same Equity Curve inner window that the System test produces. Change the default initial equity to whatever you normally use in System tests.​

Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price I
InitialEquity:= Input("Enter the initial equity",100,10000,3000);
Equity:= InitialEquity*( 1 + Per()/100);
Note: Another way to arrive at the identical results is:​

Periods Loaded and First Loaded Closing Price II
InitialEquity:= Input("Enter the initial equity",100,10000,3000);
1stClose:= ValueWhen(1, Cum(1) = 1, CLOSE);
Equity:= InitialEquity*CLOSE / 1stClose;

Indebted to Allen for suggesting the ValueWhen function to find the first loaded CLOSE.
Aongas suggested:
> To solve the "buy and hold" question, why not just create a System that
> enters a long position:
> c > 0;
> Don't put anything in for the exit condition and the system will then
> calculate the total return and percentage gain for the available data.
This also works but requires a separate System test; I found the custom indicator approach more useful for my purposes. Thanks again.
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