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DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.

Yayından kaldırmak istediğiniz formüller için algoritmabul@gmail.com ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz...

  • DİKKAT: Formüller, Sistemler sadece eğitim amaçlıdır. Alım satım, olası anapara kaybı ve diğer kayıplar dahil olmak üzere "YÜKSEK RİSK" içerir.
  • “Derdiniz piyasanın ne yapacağı değil piyasanın yapacaklarına karşı sizin ne yapacağınız olsun.” (Michael Carr)

Uzman Danışman Hilbert Squelch Threshold Expert by John Ehlers

Expert Advisor yani Türkçesi ile Uzman Danışman, terminalin içinde bulunan ve alım-satım işlemlerini otomatik olarak programlamaya izin veren araçtır. Fiyatlar üzerinden teknik analiz geliştiren, yöneltilmiş alım-satım faaliyetleri gerçekleştiren ve bu faaliyetleri yönetebilen bu programlar, otomatik işleme girmenin yanı sıra, bir sinyal sağlayıcı olarak da kullanılabilir. Bir uzman, ilgili grafik o anda aktif olsa da olmasa da çalışabilir. Expert Advisor Ne İşe Yarar? Yani uzman danışmanlar ister AL- SAT sinyali üretirler istenirse de AL-SAT sinyali ürettikleri noktalardan alım-satım yaparlar.


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23 Eki 2020
In his article "Squelch Those Whipsaws" John Ehlers introduces the Squelch Control indicator as a paintbar. To create this in MetaStock 6.52 or higher select Indicator Builder from the Toolsmenu and enter the following new formulas. Each formula must be createdseparately and must be named exactly as it appears below.
The formulas can also be downloaded from http://www.equis.com/customer/support/formulas/. Note that all of the following formulas are the same formulas referencedfrom his article in the May 2000 Traders Tip, with the exception of the Expert Advisor highlight. If you have downloaded and installed the May 2000 formulas you will be asked to overwrite the existing formulas when installing these formulas. If you do not wish to overwrite them do not download theformula file, instead refer to the instructions below for creating only theExpert Advisor formula.
If you are using MetaStock version 7 or higher follow these instructions:
Click here to download the self extracting formula file to a temp folder, double click on the downloaded file to start the importing process. After the import has finished locate the formulas in MetaStock. If you are using
MetaStock version 6.52 use these instructions:
Click here to download the Sept2000Formulas652.exe file into a temp folder
Double-click on the downloaded file to extract the MS65FORM.DTA and MS65EXPT.DTA files.
Run MetaStock. Choose Expert Advisor from the Tools menu. Click the Organizer button to launch the Formula Organizer Wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions.
After the formulas have been imported simply attach the "Squelch Threshold" expert to your chart.​

Hilbert cycle period - 1a
value1:=((H+L)/2) - Ref(((H+L)/2),-6);
value2:= Ref(value1,-3);
value3:=0.75*(value1-Ref(value1,-6)) + 0.25*(Ref(value1,-2)-Ref(value1,-4));
inphase:= 0.33 * value2 + (0.67 * PREV);
quad:= 0.2 * value3 + ( 0.8 * PREV);
phase:=If(inphase<0 AND quad>0, 180-p1,
If(inphase<0 AND quad<0, 180+p1,
If(inphase>0 AND quad<0, 360-p1,p1)));
dp:=If(Ref(phase,-1)<90 AND phase>270, 360+Ref(phase,-1)-phase,Ref(phase,-1)-phase);
dp2:=If(dp < 1, 1,
If(dp > 60, 60, dp));

H cycle count 1a
value:= Fml("Hilbert cycle period - 1a");
If(Sum(value,6)>=360 AND Sum(value,5)<360 ,6,0) +
If(Sum(value,7)>=360 AND Sum(value,6)<360 ,7,0) +
If(Sum(value,8)>=360 AND Sum(value,7)<360 ,8,0) +
If(Sum(value,9)>=360 AND Sum(value,8)<360 ,9,0) +
If(Sum(value,10)>=360 AND Sum(value,9)<360 ,10,0) +
If(Sum(value,11)>=360 AND Sum(value,10)<360 ,11,0) +
If(Sum(value,12)>=360 AND Sum(value,11)<360 ,12,0) +
If(Sum(value,13)>=360 AND Sum(value,12)<360 ,13,0) +
If(Sum(value,14)>=360 AND Sum(value,13)<360 ,14,0) +
If(Sum(value,15)>=360 AND Sum(value,14)<360 ,15,0)

H cycle count 2a
value:= Fml("Hilbert cycle period - 1a");
If(Sum(value,16)>=360 AND Sum(value,15)<360 ,16,0) +
If(Sum(value,17)>=360 AND Sum(value,16)<360 ,17,0) +
If(Sum(value,18)>=360 AND Sum(value,17)<360 ,18,0) +
If(Sum(value,19)>=360 AND Sum(value,18)<360 ,19,0) +
If(Sum(value,20)>=360 AND Sum(value,19)<360 ,20,0) +
If(Sum(value,21)>=360 AND Sum(value,20)<360 ,21,0) +
If(Sum(value,22)>=360 AND Sum(value,21)<360 ,22,0) +
If(Sum(value,23)>=360 AND Sum(value,22)<360 ,23,0) +
If(Sum(value,24)>=360 AND Sum(value,23)<360 ,24,0) +
If(Sum(value,25)>=360 AND Sum(value,24)<360 ,25,0)

H cycle count 3a
value:= Fml("Hilbert cycle period - 1a");
If(Sum(value,26)>=360 AND Sum(value,25)<360 ,26,0) +
If(Sum(value,27)>=360 AND Sum(value,26)<360 ,27,0) +
If(Sum(value,28)>=360 AND Sum(value,27)<360 ,28,0) +
If(Sum(value,29)>=360 AND Sum(value,28)<360 ,29,0) +
If(Sum(value,30)>=360 AND Sum(value,29)<360 ,30,0) +
If(Sum(value,31)>=360 AND Sum(value,30)<360 ,31,0) +
If(Sum(value,32)>=360 AND Sum(value,31)<360 ,32,0) +
If(Sum(value,33)>=360 AND Sum(value,32)<360 ,33,0) +
If(Sum(value,34)>=360 AND Sum(value,33)<360 ,34,0) +
If(Sum(value,35)>=360 AND Sum(value,34)<360 ,35,0)

Hilbert cycle period - final-a
c1:= Fml( "H cycle count 1a") + Fml( "H cycle count 2a") + Fml( "Hcycle count 3a") ;
(0.25*c2) + (0.75*PREV)
To create the indicator as a highlight, select Expert Advisor from the Tools menu.
Click New, enter "Hilbert Squelch Indicator" for the name, and select the Highlights page.
Click New and enter the following formula​

Hilbert Squelch Threshold
Fml("Hilbert cycle period - final-a")<Squelch​

To apply the Indicator, open the Expert Advisor, select the Squelch Indicator expert, and then click the Attach button.
Cheryl C. Abram, Equis International, Inc.​
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