- Katılım
- 23 Eki 2020
- Mesajlar
- 1,826
Here are the formulas described in the 1999 bonus issue of "Technical Analysisof Stocks & Commodities" magazinein the article "Dynamic Multiple Time Frames", p 45. All formulas arewritten to use daily data. The lines are plotted as described in the article, with the fixed linesonly changing their values on the first day of each week. A sixth formula, Tendency, was added to indicate which way the pricewilltend to move, based on the relationship between the Friday close and the fixed balancepoint. This formula plots a value on Thursday and on Friday just in case Fridayis a market holiday. On every trading week which includes Friday data, ignore the Thursdayvalue. A value of 1 means prices will tend up first and a value of -1 meanstheywill tend down. Variables were used in places to simplify the formulas and to allow the referencing of certain values in formulas that plot multiple lines. |
Dynamic Balance Point Ref( HHV(H,5)+LLV(L,5)+C, -1)/3 |
Dynamic BP Steps WBPS:= Ref( (HHV(H,5)+LLV(L,5)+C)/3,-1); ( WBPS + Ref(WBPS,-5) + Ref(WBPS,-10) + Ref(WBPS,-15) + Ref(WBPS,-20) ) / 5 |
Fixed Balance Point day:=DayOfWeek(); FBC:= If(day=1, If(BarsSince(day=1)>5, Ref( HighestSince(1,day=2,H) + LowestSince(1,day=2,L)+C,-1)/3, Ref( HighestSince(1,day=1,H) + LowestSince(1,day=1,L)+C,-1)/3), If(day=2 AND Ref(day,-1)>1, If(BarsSince(day=1)>5, Ref( HighestSince(1,day=2,H) + LowestSince(1,day=2,L)+C,-1)/3, Ref( HighestSince(1,day=1,H) + LowestSince(1,day=1,L)+C,-1)/3),0)); ValueWhen(1,FBC>0,FBC) |
Support & Resistance
WR:= If(day=1,
Ref( HighestSince(1,day=2,H) - LowestSince(1,day=2,L),-1),
Ref( HighestSince(1,day=1,H) - LowestSince(1,day=1,L),-1)),
If(day=2 AND Ref(day,-1)>1,
Ref( HighestSince(1,day=2,H) - LowestSince(1,day=2,L),-1),
Ref( HighestSince(1,day=1,H) - LowestSince(1,day=1,L),-1)),0));
WRV:= ValueWhen(1,WR>0,WR);
T1:=Fml("Fixed Balance Point") + (WRV*.5);
T2:=Fml("Fixed Balance Point") + (WRV*.618);
B1:=Fml("Fixed Balance Point") - (WRV*.5);
B2:=Fml("Fixed Balance Point") - (WRV*.618);
Weekly BP Steps (Peak(1,FmlVar("Fixed Balance Point","FBC"),1) + Peak(2,FmlVar("Fixed Balance Point","FBC"),1) + Peak(3,FmlVar("Fixed Balance Point","FBC"),1)+ Peak(4,FmlVar("Fixed Balance Point","FBC"),1)+ Peak(5,FmlVar("Fixed Balance Point","FBC"),1)) / 5 |
Tendency If(DayOfWeek()=4 OR DayOfWeek()=5, If((HighestSince(1,Cross(3,DayOfWeek()),H)+ LowestSince(1,Cross(3,DayOfWeek()),L)+C)/3<C,1,-1),0) |