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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: ceiga <nooralipardhan [at] gmail [dot] com> To: equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com <equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com> Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2006, 11:45:43 PM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] stocks some %age close to 200dma =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dear all, anyone would whts the code for finding if any stock in the database is 5% close to its 200 dma? any help would be greatful regards =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: rkgirs <no_reply [at] yahoogroups [dot] com> To: equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com <equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com> Date: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 3:26:29 PM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: stocks some %age close to 200dma =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= colA: 100*abs(c-mov(c,20,s)/c filter : colA<=5{whatever number you choose) RK =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: Jose Silva <josesilva22 [at] yahoo [dot] com> To: equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com <equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com> Date: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 3:35:10 AM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: stocks some %age close to 200dma =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > is 5% close to its 200 dma? It all depends on your definition of "close" - how close? Try this MS code: ---8<------------------------- { http://www.metastocktools.com } { Variables } percentage:=5; periods:=200; { SMA & bands } SMA:=Mov(C,periods,S); upper:=SMA*(1+percentage/100); lower:=SMA*(1-percentage/100); { Price/SMAband incursions } incursion:=C>lower AND C<upper; { Plot in own window or in exploration filter } {SMA;upper;lower} incursion ---8<------------------------- jose -) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: ceiga <nooralipardhan [at] gmail [dot] com> To: equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com <equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com> Date: Thursday, February 9, 2006, 10:06:48 AM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: stocks some %age close to 200dma Files: <none> --====----====----====----====----====----====----====----====----====----===-- Thnxs for such a quick response This code gives all the security that ever came 5% close to thier 200dma. i would like it to refine for today or lets say within last week so my new query goes like all the stocks that came 5% close to thier 200dma within last 5 trading days. Can u help me out once again Jose regards =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: Jose Silva <josesilva22 [at] yahoo [dot] com> To: equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com <equismetastock [at] yahoogroups [dot] com> Date: Friday, February 10, 2006, 12:27:44 AM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: stocks some %age close to 200dma =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ok, try this MS code: |
Close 5% +/- 200 MA { http://www.metastocktools.com } { Variables } alertPeriods:=5; percentage:=5; SMAperiods:=200; { SMA & bands } SMA:=Mov(C,SMAperiods,S); upper:=SMA*(1+percentage/100); lower:=SMA*(1-percentage/100); { Price/SMAband incursions } incursion:=C>lower AND C<upper; { Plot in own window or in exploration filter } {SMA;upper;lower} Alert(incursion,alertPeriods) |
jose -) http://www.metastocktools.com | |
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