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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: dhruveshbhatt <dhruveshbhatt[at]yahoo.com> To: equismetastock[at]yahoogroups.com <equismetastock[at]yahoogroups.com> Date: Friday, January 20, 2006, 2:35:39 PM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] INTRADAY 30 MIN CLOSE ON 5 MIN FORMULA HELLO EVERYONE, CAN ANYONE HELP ME TO GET METASTOCK CODE FOR 30 MINUTE CLOSE ON 5 MINUTE CHART. IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME I WOULD BE HIGHLY OBLIGED THANKYOU, DHRUVESH BHATT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= From: Roy Larsen <rlarsen[at]man.quik.co.nz> To: equismetastock[at]yahoogroups.com <equismetastock[at]yahoogroups.com> Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 7:57:33 AM Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] INTRADAY 30 MIN CLOSE ON 5 MIN FORMULA Dhruvesh Did you get a reply to your request. If not, try this. You'll need to comment out O, H and L. The timing section is not proven yet and may need further work. Regards Roy www.metastocktips.co.nz |
30 Minute OHLC {C2005 Roy Larsen, www.metastocktips.co.nz} {for use on 1/5/10/15 minute charts} {user options} N:=Input("Plot 30 Minute OHLC",0,0,0); Q:=Input("User Mode, 0=Static 1=Dynamic 2=Delayed",0,2,0); {timing section for longer frames} A:=Minute(); B:=Hour()*60+A-1; J:=Int(B/30); G:=LastValue(Highest(A)<=30); D:=DayOfWeek()<>ValueWhen(2,1,DayOfWeek()); M:=J<>ValueWhen(2,1,J) OR D OR G; F:=J-ValueWhen(2,1,J)>1 OR (Frac(A/30)=0)*(D=0) OR G; A:=LastValue(Cum(1)-1)=Cum(1); B:=ValueWhen(2,1,A); J:=If(F,1,If(Alert(F,2)=0 AND M,2,0)); J:=If(A+LastValue(J)>2 OR B+(Q=1)=2,1,J); J:=If(G,1,If(Q=2 OR Cum(J)<=1,M*2,J)); {Prices for longer frames} Oo:=ValueWhen(1,M,O); Oo:=ValueWhen(1,J,If(J=1,Oo,ValueWhen(2-G,1,Oo))); Hh:=HighestSince(1,M,H); Hh:=ValueWhen(1,J,If(J=1,Hh,ValueWhen(2-G,1,Hh))); Ll:=LowestSince(1,M,L); Ll:=ValueWhen(1,J,If(J=1,Ll,ValueWhen(2-G,1,Ll))); K:=ValueWhen(1,J,If(J=1,C,ValueWhen(2-G,1,C))); Oo:=ValueWhen(1,Oo>0,Oo); Hh:=ValueWhen(1,Hh>0,Hh); Ll:=ValueWhen(1,Ll>0,Ll); {Build function for longer frames here} {Plot results} Oo; Hh; Ll; K; {Frame OHLC} |
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